You may have been thinking of therapy for a long time and the thought of starting therapy can be daunting.  The first session gives you the opportunity to see whether you feel comfortable with my approach and whether we would work well together.   I would normally explain my approach to therapy and do my best to answer any questions you may have. I will also ask some questions about you, what brings you to therapy and what your initial worries are.  When the session has ended and if you feel comfortable we can agree to work together, or you may decide to think things over in your own time before committing to another session.

The sessions are usually 60 minutes for individuals and couples, which normally gives you the opportunity to talk about anything, but can be extended if you wish and this is negotiable as some people are busy and prefer longer sessions.

This would depend on your situation, the type of therapy you have come for and the difficulties you bring, for example when using NLP, Life Coaching, IEMT and Hypnotherapy you would normally see results a lot quick than using counselling such as ‘psychotherapy’.  Any type of therapy does not always offer immediate solution to any long standing emotional or often, painful problems. There is no upper limit to the number of sessions, you may continue for as long as you feel the sessions are of use to you.  Your progress we will review together probably after the 6th session and at regular intervals if we need to continue.  Sessions are normally weekly or fortnightly and often when someone has completed a course of therapy they will often maintain regular monthly or 3 monthly visits.

As a member of NCS, ANLP, NCH, IEMT and CNCH, I offer a high standard of confidentiality.  Anything that is discussed throughout the session will remain confidential and I will not give out any information to your doctor or anyone else without your sole permission.  Any notes that are taken throughout the session will be kept in a secure place.  I am bound by the GDPR 2018 act regarding data protection.

These are Professional registered organisations to ensure that members adhere to Ethical Codes of Practice:

NCSNational Counselling Society

ANLPAssociation of Neuro-Linguistic Programming

NCHNational Council for Hypnotherapy

IEMTIntegral Eye Movement Therapy (practitioner)

CNCHComplimentary and Natural Healthcare Council